The IUD is a little, t-shaped piece of plastic that gets put in your uterus to mess with the way sperm can move and prevent them from fertilizing an egg. Sounds odd, but it works like a charm. IUDs offer years of protection—between three and twelve, depending on the type. And if you want to get pregnant, you can have it removed at any time.

Hormonal: There are two types of IUDs that use hormones; the Mirena and the Sklya. Both release a small amount of the hormone progestin to help the body keep sperm from reaching the cervix. And both may cause lighter periods! The Mirena works for up to 5 years and the Sklya works for up to 3 years.

Non-hormonal:  The Paragard is a 100% hormone-free IUD and doesn’t alter your periods. It's made of plastic and a small amount of natural, safe copper. It can last for up to 12 years.



